REC API - lpfmChk - LPFM Channel Search

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This API conducts a check for available LPFM (formerly known as LP-100) channels at the target location.  This API currently only supports the 100 watt LPFM service that has been adopted by the FCC in 2000.  This search uses the distance separation requirements in §§ 73.807 and 73.825 of the FCC Rules.  An option exists where any facility (normally the existing LPFM station that is the subject of the search for a modification application) can be removed (or "notched") from the search.

This API is considered closed data and is only available to those with a specific client relationship with REC to access the APIs.

For demonstration purposes and to encourage development, queries in the state of North Dakota can be ran without subscription and API key.





key hex(32) required except for demo in North Dakota. API key provided by REC Networks.
lat decimal required Latitude of the target site.  This is NAD83 datum in decimal form.  South latitude (American Samoa) is a negative number.
lon decimal required Longitude of the target site. This is NAD83 datum in decimal form. West longitude (all areas except Guam & CNMI) is a negative number.
notch int optional A FCC facility ID that will not be considered in the search.  Only one facility can be notched.


HTTP Code 200


channelsFound int

The number of potentially available channels that were found in this search.

channel schema

See channel below.

tvSix schema

See tvSix/station below.


Within result/channel, each available channel will provide information following this schema:

channelNumber int

Channel number (201~300)

frequency decimal

FM frequency (88.1~107.9)

secondAdjacent varchar(3)

Yes The channel does not meet the §73.807 minimum distance separation requirements to second-adjacent channel stations thus meaning that a waiver is required.
No The channel meets the §73.807 minimum distance separation requirements to second-adjacent channel stations thus meaning that a waiver is not required.

interference varchar(3)

Yes This channel has at least one facility that meets minimum distance separation but does not meet the §73.807 recommendations for interference free service..
No This channel has at least one facility that meets minimum distance separation and meets the §73.807 recommendations for interference free service..

channelSix varchar(3)

Yes This channel has at least one facility that does not meet the §73.825 minimum distance separation requirements to TV stations on Channel 6, thus requiring a letter of consent from the Channel 6 licensee or a contour study, pursuant to §74.1205 to demonstrate that there is no actual contour overlap..
No This channel meets the §73.825 requirements for protection to Channel 6 TV broadcast stations..

incoming schema

See channel/incoming schema below for details.

secondAdj schema

See channel/secondAdj schema below for details.

super schema

See channel/super schema below for details.

hdHijack varchar(16)

Call sign of a co-channel FM station that does not meet the §73.807 recommendations for interference free service and is reported to be operating hybrid digital (HD Radio).  LPFM stations may experience situations where the distant FM station may "hijack" a listener's HD Radio receiver, even in the LPFM station's local area thus allowing the HD station to be heard instead of the LPFM.


Displays for each FM facility that meets minimum distance separation but does not meet the §73.807 recommendations for interference free service.

facilityId int

FCC Facility ID of potentially interfering station.

callsign int

Callsign of potentially interfering station.

community varchar(80)

Community of license for potentially interfering station.

state varchar(2)

State of license for potentially interfering station.


Displays for each FM facility that does not meet the §73.807 minimum distance separation requirements for second-adjacent channel thus requiring a waiver.

facilityId int

FCC Facility ID of the short-spaced second-adjacent channel station.

callsign int

Callsign of the short-spaced second-adjacent channel station.

community varchar(80)

Community of the short-spaced second-adjacent channel station.

state varchar(2)

State of license for the short-spaced second-adjacent channel station.


Super powered stations are those that were originally authorized prior to 1962 and are operating with service parameters beyond their service class.  While LPFM stations are permitted as long as they meet the minimum distance separation based on service class, they may receive increased interference from these super-powered FM stations.

coChanPercentage decimal

Super-powered station on co-channel. Value is percentage of a "class maximum" facility. (example: if 105, then the super power station is operating at 105% of the power of a normal station for its service class)

coChanCall varchar(16)

Call sign of super-powered station on co-channel.

firstPercentage decimal

Super-powered station on a first-adjacent channel. Value is percentage of a "class maximum" facility. (example: if 105, then the super power station is operating at 105% of the power of a normal station for its service class)

firstCall varchar(16)

Call sign of super-powered station on a first-adjacent channel.


One record for each potentially impacting Channel 6 TV station.  Channel 6 stations only impact channels available for LPFM between Channels 201~220 (88.1~91.9).  Each station will be wrapped in a station tag.

station/facilityId int

Facility ID of Channel 6 TV station.

station/callsign varchar(16)

Call sign of the Channel 6 TV station.

station/community varchar(80)

Community of license for the Channel 6 TV station.

station/state varchar(2)

State of license for the Channel 6 TV station.

station/service varchar(3)

TV station service code.

station/highChannel int

Highest channel number that is impacted by this TV station.  For example, if the result is 205, then channels 201, 202, 203, 204 and 205 are considered as §73.825 short-spaced and will require a letter of consent from the Channel 6 licensee or a contour study, pursuant to §74.1205 that demonstrates no contour overlap.

Rate Limiting

The general rate limit for unauthenticated accesses across all REC APIs is 20 calls per minute (one call every 3 seconds).  Calls to other REC non-API services subject to rate limiting also contribute to this count.  These other services may have lower rate limits.  For authenticated users, the rate limit will be based on negotiations with REC Networks for API access.