eLMS: HAAT/ERP calculations on LPFM applications

As HAAT and ERP is not manually entered on LPFM (Schedule 318) forms like they are with other broadcast services, many times the information carried on an FCC form is incorrect as it may reflect the previous location.  

This enhancement adds functionality that on all LPFM (FL) applications with type codes MOD, MODA, CP and CPA, eLMS will call the FCC Contours HAAT API to obtain correct HAAT and then use that HAAT to calculate new ERP. 

New schema field table reclms_fmeng haat_elms_calc will indicate "Y" if this method was used.

myLPFM has been modified to remove the "Bad LMS Data" message on applications where haat_elms_calc has a value of "Y".  Instead, a message will display stating that the HAAT and ERP were calculated by eLMS due to issues with the method of filing LPFM applications. 


Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Systems affected: 
myLPFM v3
Issue type: 