REC operational status (updated July 19, 2024 2:10 PM EDT) - Normal operations expected for the week of July 21, 2024.
Information on A10 Service Class - Upgrade/Impact Search Tool

REC files comments on Community Broadcast Band proposal

REC replies to a Petition for a Notice of Inquiry for a Community Broadcast Band.

REC has filed comments partially supporting a Petition by the Community Broadcast Band Discussion Group to initatite a Notice of Inquiry into new spectrum for a Community Broadcast Band.

In our comments, we supported the overall concept of a CBB. However we are supporting CBB using more established technologies including our previously proposed Narrowband Community Speech Radio Service (NCSRS) at 26 MHz.

We have also opened the petition to discussion of the NPR-endorsed expansion of the FM broadcast band to include the spectrum of the underutilized TV Channel 6.

FreePage to provide Limited Program Distribution Service in NYC using Pager Frequencies

A licensee of pager services in NYC has been given developmental authority to provide broadcast SCA-like services on pager frequencies.

A company in New York called FreePage has been successful in getting a developmental license to provide a service they call Limited Program Distribution Service (LPDS) in the New York City metropolitan area.

In the order for WT Docket 01-108 , the Commission specifically gave FreePage authority to apply for a Developmental License to provide this programming service in the New York City area on their paging frequencies.

MB 02-376 - REC opposes moving FM station from rural town to metro Tucson

Contraversial case would move an FM station from a rual Arizona town to the Tucson metropolitan area using the name of an Air Force base and using an FCC loophole.

REC has filed comments today in opposition to a allotment counterproposal that would have moved a rural FM station directly into the Tucson metropolitan radio market.

The proposal was made by the owner of KWCX in Willcox, Arizona. The proposal would have changed the city of license of KWCX from Willcox (pop. 3733) to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, just adjacent to the city limits of Tucson (pop. 486,699).

REC introduces new LPFM Application Status Tool plus enhancements to other tools

New user friendly tool gives application status. Application status incorporated into LPFM Search, FM Query

Today, REC has made an initial release of a new tool that is intended to give LPFM applicants information on the status of their LPFM applications.

The new project, called "ASPEN" (Application Status Plain ENglish) gives LPFM application status information in plain English using 8 check boxes to represent the different stages of the LPFM application process.

REC, Amherst and Others Ask FCC to Reconsider LPFM Dismissals

Petition for Reconsideration filed on a majority of last week's LPFM dismissals.

In an effort spearheaded by REC, a Petition for Reconsideration has been filed to protest the dismissal of over 300 LPFM applications.

Signing on the Petition include various LPFM advocates including Amherst Alliance, WKJCE Radio, RM-9208 co-author Nickolaus Leggett, KZQX-LP, Johnathan Grant and William Blew.

Applicants selected to be included in the Petition for Reconsideration include those who were not able to change channels from their current location due to the Radio Broadcast Protection Act inacted by Congress. The RBPA imposed protection of third adjacent channels. Many applicants were able to change channels in a special filing window last October.

Many LPFM Applications Dismissed Today

These applicants were either deadlocked or just did not file during the remedial window.

Today, the FCC has issued a Public Notice dismissing all of the LPFM applications that are short spaced on the third adjacent channel and did not or could not file a minor change amendment during the October remedial window.

Many of these applicants were deadlocked. They had not alternate channel to move to.

REC is disturbed by this action today as it affects the possibility of these LPFM applicants having any chance of getting on the air if the Commission was to relax the third adjacent channel rules as a result of the testing ordered by Congress.

REC feels that this is bad timing on the part of the FCC.

FCC Acts On Remedial Applications

FCC releases cut-off sheet LPFM S-7 - ready to issue CPs to Oct 2002 Remedials

The FCC today has released cut-off sheet LPFM S-7. This list included LPFM applicants who were allowed to make major changes during last year's Remedial Filing Window.

Among the applicants include several in REC's Area of Interest in locations such as Lancaster (Rosamond), Banning, Fallbrook, Ventura and Bakersfield, CA. Nevada applicants in Fallon, Silver Springs and Yerington were also on the list.

These applicants needed to file Major Change applications to be compliant with the third adjacent channel protection that was mandated under the Radio Broadcast Protection Act.

LA Airport wants 100 watt TIS

Citing 9/11.. LAX requested to raise their power of their 530 kHz station

Citing that it is "essential to facilitate the airport’s efforts to provide emergency communications to the traveling public in the event of a terrorist attack", Los Angeles World Airports has filed an application with a waiver request attached to increase one of their 530 kHz transmitters from 10 watts to 100 watts. The application was filed on February 6th.

A copy of the waiver request and attached coverage maps are available at:


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