Advisory Letters

REC LPFM Advisory Letter #11 - LP250 Upgrade: Technical Planning Considerations for LPFM Stations

With the recent public notice by the FCC, placing the latest REC LP-250 Petition for Rulemaking, “Simple250” to public comment as RM-11909, there has been an increased excitement within the community of the prospect that someday, many LPFM stations would be able to increase to 250 watts ERP (or its >30 meter HAAT equivalent).

REC Advisory Letter #4: Directional antennas for LPFM stations

Updated February 2, 2022 to clearly indicate in what cases the "directional" functionality on the LMS form (Schedule 318) is used and when a directional anenna needs to be written as "non-directional" in LMS.

REC Advisory Letter #8: Radio Frequency Exposure & Environmental Impact

On May 3, 2021, a Report and Order released by the FCC went into effect.  This Order did not change the radio frequency (RF) exposure guidelines but it does require that stations verify that their antenna structures meet the RF guidelines.  It also defines the format for signs in areas where exposure levels exceed the minimum exposure guidelines.  Stations are not required to make any filings with the FCC after this verification is done.  Stations are required to recertify that th

REC Advisory Letter #2: (Obsolete) LPFM stations operating on channels 201~221 (88.1~92.1): NCE filing window

Revised September 8, 2022

This Advisory Letter is now obsolete (9/8/2022)

Now that the filing window for new noncommercial FM (NCE FM) broadcast stations has now passed and the FCC is in the process of resolving groups of mutually exclusive applications, this Advisory Letter is now obsolete.  Information regarding impacts to existing LPFM stations operating on Channels 201~222 (88.1~92.3) is addressed in REC LPFM Advisory Letter 13.  

REC Advisory Letter #7: Rental of LPFM/NCE stations, time purchase, pay to play and foreign government programming

Revised April 22, 2021

This Advisory Letter is a reminder to LPFM (and for that matter, full-service noncommercial educational station [NCE]) licensees regarding various activities that can be considered an “advertisement” in respect to the language of the Communications Act.

Section §399b of the Communications Act (47 USC 399b) states:

(a) “Advertisement” defined

REC Advisory Letter #6: FM Boosters and GeoTargeting

Updated May 29, 2024

(obsolete) REC Advisory Letter #3: Lifting of freeze on new DTV allotments may impact LPFM/NCE availability

This document was delcared obsolete on August 3, 2023.

This REC Advisory Letter is directed to prospective participants in the 2021 NCE Filing Window, potential 2022 LPFM Filing Window as well as existing NCE and LPFM licensees planning minor change applications in the reserved band (88.1~91.9 MHz, channels 201~220). 

Updated: REC Advisory Letter #1: LPFM stations carrying network programming from "Relevant Radio"

Relevant Radio” is the brand name of a radio service operated by Immaculate Heart Radio (IHR).  Relevant Radio is a 24-hour Catholic programming service that provides a noncommercial programming source to affiliated stations across the country as well as through digital delivery.  IHR, operating as Relevant Radio, Inc. owns several dozen full-service AM and FM broadcast stations and has been commended in the past by REC for preserving the legacy call letters of the stations that they acquire, including the infamous KHJ, Los Angeles.  A couple of years ago, IHR had converted their stations from noncommercial educational to commercial and in their markets have been selling time.  This, while maintaining a noncommercial stream for affiliated stations not owned by IHR. 


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