REC operational status (updated July 19, 2024 2:10 PM EDT) - Normal operations expected for the week of July 21, 2024.
Information on A10 Service Class - Upgrade/Impact Search Tool

21-346: REC highlights LPFM/small station capabilities during disasters, opposes mandatory DIRS reporting and backup power requirements, demands non-discrimination during emergencies by State Broadcasters Associations

REC Networks has filed comments with the FCC on the Resilient Networks proceeding, PS Docket 21-346.   The proceeding addresses the availability of communications infrastructure, including wireless services, broadband, cable, satellite and broadcasting during widespread disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires.

REC outlined the service that some LPFM stations have performed during such episodes including WQRZ-LP during Hurricane Katrina and KBUU-LP during the Woolsey Fire of 2018.

REC announces cut-off dates for NCE Filing Window show of interest requests

Based on the demand for this window and the pace at which applications are currently being handled by REC, we want to assure that we are able to give our applicants the best experience possible.  REC will cut off requests for the NCE filing window at the end of day September 24, 2021 for organizations that are currently not the licensee of a LPFM or full-service NCE broadcast station.  For licensees of existing NCE/LPFM stations, the cut off will be on end of day, October 1, 2021.  Payments are due one week after those cut off dates for their respect

Rant from Riverton: 15 years of HD Radio.. the train has left the station.. but you can still catch it!

Fifteen years ago, an amazing radio technology was first introduced.  Why do so few people know about it and why isn’t its use very widespread?  Yes, I am referring to HD Radio, which just recently celebrated its 15th anniversary.  Still, very few people (outside of the industry) actually know about it or what it does, more or less actually owns a radio to receive it.  So, what happened?

NCE Window: FCC announces filing freeze, census data and other procedures

In a Public Notice released today, the FCC has announced some dates and set some procedures for the upcoming NCE FM Filing Window.

WYPH-LP prevails over full-service bully in Connecticut second-adjacent conflict

The FCC has reinstated the operations of WYPH-LP, Manchester, CT after over a year of non-operation and denied the second-adjacent channel complaint of Red Wolf Broadcasting Corporation. 

Breaker! Breaker! FCC on deck to approve 11-meter FM CB

Michelle Bradley, CBT, KU3N.
July 15, 2021

Normally, three weeks prior to the monthly open meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, the agency releases drafts of the items they will be voting on in the meeting.  These "circulation drafts" are not the exact wording of the final decisions, but they are a good sneak preview of what is to come.

(Obsolete) REC LPFM Advisory Letter #12 - Sunset of Analog Low Power TV Channel 6 Operations and Future Protection of Digital TV Channel 6 LPTV Stations (Updated 7/16/21)

This document was declared as obsolete on August 3, 2023.

July 13, 2021 was the final day for analog low power TV (LPTV) stations. A few LPTV stations in remote Alaskan villages were given authority to continue analog service until a time when those sites can be reached to convert to digital.

This also means that the so-called “Franken FM” (or “FM6”) stations (channel 6 LPTV stations that are using their audio carrier at 87.75 MHz to operate like an FM radio station) are also supposed to shut down.

RM-11909: REC addresses EMF/ABC concerns and praises the work of local LPFMs

REC Networks filed Reply Comments in the Simple250 Petition for Rulemaking, RM-11909.

In the comments, REC mirrors many of the supporting comments that were filed by LPFM stations across the country and focused on how LPFM stations are connected to their community as well as dealing with the technical challenges that stations face, especially where it comes to terrain.

REC also responded to filers that made oppositions and concerns about the LP250 proposal.


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