REC operational status (updated July 19, 2024 2:10 PM EDT) - Normal operations expected for the week of July 21, 2024.
Information on A10 Service Class - Upgrade/Impact Search Tool

“Downright absurd!”.. REC tells the FCC “no” to mandatory DIRS and NORS reporting by broadcasters

The FCC has two different systems that are used for network resiliency. 

REC statement of Michelle Bradley, CBT, directed to all LPFM stations regarding LP250 and our current relationship with the NAB

(This originally appeared on the REC Networks Facebook page in an effort to reach all LPFM stations and stakeholders who may not use social media.)

REC opposes Rosenworcel's multi-lingual EAS plan - suggests a voluntary method to improve alerting towards non-English speakers

Edited April 10, 2024 to correct link to the FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.

FCC adopts rulemaking for Geo-targeted FM boosters on an experimental basis. Proposes to make permanent.

In a Report and Order released today, the FCC has given the green light for broadcast stations, including noncommercial educational (NCE) and low power FM (LPFM) stations to operate FM boosters that can originate its own programming up to three minutes per hour.

FCC clarifies March 15 MX notice to permit time share agreements.

On March 15, 2024, the FCC Media Bureau released a Public Notice to announce the official designations of the groups of mutually exclusive (MX) applications from the 2023 Third Generation Low Power FM (LPFM) Filing Window.

This notice also included the procedures associated with the 60-day settlement window that is open for all applicants identified as MX that will run through May 14, 2024. 

FCC announces LPFM MX Groups - REC escalates issue regarding time sharing to Media Bureau

On March 15, 2024, through public notice, the FCC Media Bureau identified LPFM applications that were mutually exclusive (MX) and assigned them to specific group numbers.  The Bureau also opened a 60 day period in which settlements can be made.  This settlement window will close on May 14, 2024.  According to the notice, the FCC will accept settlement agreements that are universal (involving all applicants) and agreed upon by all applicants.  These settlement agreements can include applicants requesting thei

Information for Viasat customers


Most of REC Networks’ web-based services are provided by servers operated by Digital Ocean.  REC has been using Digital Ocean services for over a decade now. 

We have been made aware that customers of Viasat satellite internet services for home and small businesses have not been able to access the legal content that is provided by REC on all of our Digital Ocean hosted servers. 

REC Position Statement: MB Dkt 24-14: Priority Application Review for Broadcast Stations that Provide Local Journalism or Other Locally Originated Programming

On January 10 and released on January 17, 2024, the Commission adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in MB Docket 24-14 that is titled “Priority Application Review for Broadcast Stations that Provide Local Journalism or Other Locally Originated Programming”.


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